Fine Arts
Photography I, II, III, AP
In Photography courses, students learn to use a manual 35mm SLR camera, develop film, and enlarge photos in the darkroom. Emphasis is placed on compositional skills and the introduction of darkroom techniques and manipulations. Students also explore digital and phone cameras, along with basic digital editing skills. Advanced levels are designed for students planning to take AP art, attend art school, or pursue photography as a career. Each level requires a $105 materials fee. To enroll in Photography I, students must have passed Art I or be in 11th grade.
Studio Art I, II, III, IV, AP
Studio Art courses cover art appreciation, history, and written and verbal critiques, focusing on the elements and principles of art and design. Students engage in design, drawing, painting, printmaking, commercial design, and three-dimensional activities. A sketchbook, maintained by students for both in-class and out-of-class use, is required. Students also maintain a portfolio, and their work will be displayed throughout the term. Art I is a foundational class and a prerequisite for all other fine arts classes.
Functional Art I, II, Art III 3D, AP
Functional Art courses explore the history and origins of crafts, aesthetics, and the elements and principles of design as they apply to functional art. The focus is on craftsmanship in fiber arts, ceramics, jewelry/wearable art, glass-based projects, applied design, and bookmaking. Students maintain a journal, and their work will be displayed throughout the term. There is a $27 materials fee. This course cannot be substituted for Art I. Functional Art I and II are prerequisites for Art III 3D.